On 28th May, CREEC finalized with the systematization process. The main objective for carrying out this process was to learn CREEC’s organizational development and to improve its strategic plan by looking at past experiences between 2009 and 2014 and analyzing how things happened in the past with the aim of creating new knowledge on how to do things better in the future. The central aspects for this systematization were how management has recruited human resource over the years and also how projects have been acquired within the subject period. The main event was the critical analysis that took place on 28th May where different partners were invited to analyse the history of CREEC. Some of these partners included GIZ, PSFU, UNACC, CEDAT, facilitators from Horizont 3000, former staff members of CREEC and also Clusters from Makerere.
Mary Suzan Abbo the MD of CREEC made a presentation on the history of CREEC given the chosen time frame of 2009-2014 and explained the events that happened in this period giving the guests an overview of some of the issues that were to be analyzed. At the end of the presentations the guests were involved in an open discussion to discuss the central aspects, analyze the history that was presented and also to make recommendations on how CREEC could handle the two issues. The meeting was very successful because CREEC was able to obtain new insights that helped the organization look at issues in a new perspective. CREEC is grateful for the continued guidance offered by the facilitators from Horizont; Lilo Massing and John Peter and also all the different partners that honored our invitation.
The systematization facilitators receiving tokens of appreciation from CREEC management.